Commercial due diligence

An acquisition opportunity is surrounded by a lot of uncertainty and several question marks, but many of these can be straightened out with commercial due diligence. The perhaps most common question in this context is “how secure are our future forecasts?”. To assist you in your search for the answer to that question, we are introducing our Hubbster Commercial Due Diligence service. But we help you with more than just looking for answers.

In collaboration with us, the picture becomes clear of what needs to be done to ensure that the forecasts are met. We can do this by relying on external data that we collect and analyze. Based on the analysis, we can draw conclusions regarding the company’s strength and you will gain an understanding of other important factors such as collaboration with the existing customer base. These are two crucial factors in estimating the probability that forecasts are reached.

The value of Commercial due diligence

The result of a Hubbster Commercial DD is partly a solid and well-founded assessment of the probability that the forecasts provided will be achieved, and partly fact-based, concrete and prioritized recommendations for measures to ensure that the goals are achieved.

A fact-based decision

Making a business acquisition is a big decision that should be based on facts. The time when gut feeling ruled is over. We believe that commercial due diligence is at least as important as legal and financial. Why not take advantage of our fact-based method that analyzes the strength of companies ’offerings and companies’ ability to collaborate with their customers today and in the future.

Our method covers the entire company’s collaboration with its customers from offering to business follow-up from a customer and employee perspective.

Preparation for better commercial due diligence

A common mistake many companies make is to conduct a standardized commercial due diligence where more or less standardized interviews are conducted with key customers and selected employees. A checklist is often used that is not adapted to the unique situation.

We believe that each situation is unique and good preparatory work is crucial for the result. In order to have a satisfactory basis for decision-making, an unconditional approach should be combined with clear and clearly defined core questions that need to be answered.

A unique method

Hubbster’s fact-finding methodology is based on well-established methods that have been in place for more than a decade. With the help of statistically assured and customized questions, facts are produced. This is achieved through dialogue with customers and employees in the form of interviews and surveys to name a few examples.

Our experienced consultants carry out the analysis that covers the entire business. It includes, among other things:

  • The offer
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Delivery
  • Performance
  • Follow-up

The facts obtained are analyzed by competent consultants with extensive experience in business development, business management and sales.

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